Request for Proposals (RFP): Haisla Centre Master Plan
Extended to September 30, 2024 Sept. 4, 2024: yáqʷa Development Corporation is seeking proposals from qualified firms to develop a Master Plan for the Haisla Centre Project located in downtown Kitimat, BC. Background The Haisla Nation, through its economic development corporation, yáqʷa Development Corporation, is leading the development of the Haisla Centre Project, located at the site of the old Kitimat hospital. The land was acquired by the Haisla Nation from the Province of British Columbia and the development concept is supported by the District of Kitimat. Haisla Centre envisions the construction of housing units, hotel complex, commercial and retail[...]
Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI): Restaurant Operator
Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) Operator for restaurant at former Seamaster’s location in Kitamaat Village, B.C. August 15, 2024: yáqʷa Development Corporation is seeking expressions of interest from parties interested in leasing and operating a restaurant within the Haisla community, specifically at the newly acquired Sunrise General Merchandise Building in Kitamaat Village, British Columbia. The building will be divided in two sections, with one half being occupied by Gizuà Market and the other half to be renovated and turned back into a restaurant. We are seeking a qualified operator to collaborate with yáqʷa Development Corporation to develop a new[...]